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November 12: Women in Tech Weekly Issue 32

It’s time for our favourite column – Women in Tech Weekly! The November issue is packed with incredible achievements, interesting events, and useful links to some cool learning resources ?

I hope you enjoy reading this issue, and I’m looking forward to getting your contributions for the next one! Take a look at the submission form below ?

Featured Woman ?‍?

Claire and Artificially Intelligent Claire

I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Claire in real life and she has so much passion, drive and curiosity! She has had a fascinating path into tech and it’s incredible to follow her progress as she dives deeper into AI and creates educational materials around it. Claire as also such a bright and fun human being, I’m very glad that this community has allowed me to get to know her!

Celebrations ??

Margarita got a new job!

In her own words:

“I have changed to a smaller and nicer consultancy. I am really excited about it and I want to let the women know that they should not settle, they should go out and seek the place that is best for them!”

So I have been working on this client project and we are supposed to create a series of data visualizations. Cannot tell you much yet, but this will be quite fun and exciting beginning for me! I never thought I knew so much about data visualizations before I started working with the team! Turns out a lot of my knowledge was coming from years of hobby practice and a lot of it was intuitive and subconscious. After trying to accumulate some tips from the experience, I wanted to take you through some of the things I have learned while doing #datavisualisation 1. A great book called Great Chars by Scott Berinato is something I would recommend to anyone who wants to understand the basic principles of how to create good graphs, visualize complex information, think critically about your solutions. 2. Always try to analyze your data and make it reliable first! Create a couple of very simple graphs first with excel tools or #tableau to see how the day looks raw. 3. Always look for the visual inspiration and create a few different concepts before going with the final one! It might be really good to play with them! Check #Pinterest #dribbble 3. Pick the best tools for your visualization! This might require you doing some little research on what libraries exist out there! Weather that is #d3js or #greensock or #threejs Some really good books on D3.js are SVG Animations by Sarah Drasner and D3.js in Action by Elijah Meeks 4. Last but not least: enjoy it and play with it! Thai is so far one of the most fun parts of my job! #coding #coder #codergirl #programmer #dataviz #goals #motivation #learndatavisualisation #d3 #developer #womenwhocode #data #codegirlcode

A post shared by Margarita | Programmer (@riittagirl) on Mar 26, 2019 at 1:23am PDT

Bailey is celebrating a career + life milestone!

In her own words:

“Celebrating five months in a new city across the country and five months working at an awesome tech company, GoDaddy! I’ve never learned so much about technology in so little time and I’m so delighted to be in a dream job in a new city with my fiancé!”

A post shared by Bailey Doudna (@baileydoudna) on Jun 14, 2019 at 9:40am PDT

It was Milly‘s birthday yesterday!

Happy Birthday, Milly! I hope you’ve had a wonderful day with your loved ones 🙂 May this year take you to the next heights and bring you a ton of happiness!

A post shared by Milly Berst Web Developer (@millywebdeveloper) on Nov 10, 2019 at 4:59am PST

Laura spoke on a panel at Glamour Women of the Year event!

Congratulations, Laura! Super well done and incredibly well-deserved 🙂 That panel sounded so badass, we are all very proud of you!

A post shared by Laura Medalia (@codergirl_) on Nov 10, 2019 at 11:51am PST

Resources ?‍?

How to Create Your Portfolio Website – created and shared by me 🙂

Having a portfolio website is a great way to allow your work and projects do the talking while letting your personality shine. Whether you’re looking for a full-time job or project-based work, it can be much more actionable and convincing to a potential employer than just a simple Resume. Here are my tips on how to build one!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and if you’d like to share something for next week’s issue, here’s the submission form!! Bookmark that and add anything you’d like to share in there ?

</Coding Blonde>


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