May 18: Women in Tech Weekly Issue 111

We're revamping this newsletter and want to hear your thoughts on it via this quick survey. It will take 3 minutes max!
We are so excited that the new Miss Universe is a Software Engineer from Mexico! 😱 Now that's what we call breaking stereotypes! We've got beauty and brains together (among other things) that society doesn't typically think of when with a "Software Engineer" title. Check out some other badass women's celebrations as well as some resources below! 🎉
If you'd like to submit anything for next week's issue, please do so using the submission form at the bottom of this post. No matter how big or small, we want to hear from you!
Celebrations 🥂
Luiza got her first job in tech!
Luiza says:
Since last year i've been studying web development and last week I got my first job as a full stack developer! :)
Julia got a promotion!
Julia says:
I got a promotion at work to a more technical role and will be moving from Germany to Spain! Only Clothes, Camera and books in the suitcase ;-)
DigitalEmpress passed the Security+ exam!!
Such amazing news! We are so happy for you and this amazing achievement!
Women in Tech Weekly is getting a makeover!
Help us improve this newsletter by sharing your thoughts on what you want to see more of in this newsletter using this quick (3 min max) survey.
Resources 👩💻
How can you start a career in cybersecurity? Where do you start and how do you approach it? What can you study to get a solid foundation in cybersecurity that will help you kick start your career in the industry? We’ve talked about this on multiple occasions on this channel, so you know that I truly believe that you can get into this awesome field no matter what background you have. And this time I’ve been able to witness that myself - I took the SANS Foundations course in cybersecurity, which you may have seen me vlogging about last week.
conference - mentorship opportunities - exchange with others
Thank you to Sarah for being on Muko's Corner! Sarah is the Lead Negotiator at Her goal is to help people make better career decisions and negotiate a salary they deserve. She's a former tech recruiter at Amazon, Facebook, and Google.
CREATE A QUIZ IN PYTHON | learn to code in python for beginners (python tutorial for beginners) by Maya
Let's create a quiz in python! This python tutorial is for beginners!
Summer Creative Coding Clubs for Girls in Grades 3-8! shared by Romina
Romina says:
Code/Art's CodeHER clubs are all about equipping the next generation of female technologists. Our intro-level clubs use art as on-ramp to spark interest and break pre conceived notions about what a computer programmer looks like or what their interests are. During this 9-week program (weekly 90 min. sessions) students will learn Javascript, Scratch, Tinkercad and finish the program with their own portfolio of coded art projects. If you have a daughter, niece or little sister who you want to introduce to coding in a fun way, then make sure to register her before May 21st (for early bird discount). Code/Art is a 501(c)(3) with the mission to increase the number of girls studying computer science by delighting and inspiring them with the creative possibilities of computer programming.