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March 31: Women in Tech Weekly Issue 52

Happy Tuesday! As social distancing is becoming the new normal and we’re getting used to this isolated lifestyle, here’s something to uplift you and to give you a sense of community – another issue of Women in Tech Weekly!

Before we continue though, I just wanted to remind you how important it is to follow all of the official guidelines and stay informed. Use official sources like the World Health Organisation to get your information – there’s too much misinformation going around, which can be harmful to our communities.

Also, keep in mind that cybersecurity scams are on the rise, apparently, there are a lot of cyber criminals pretending to be WHO these days. I’ll create a post on how to recognise a scam soon!

Don’t forget to share your story for the next one. Make sure to check out the submission form at the bottom of the post 🙂

Featured Woman 👩‍💻

Erin and Tech Gadgets Canada

Erin is so incredibly multi-passionate and she embraces that lifestyle fully! From technology to jewellery making, silversmithing and converting camper vans – she does it all. And you can kind of see a trend there, it’s all about making things from scratch, being curious and solving problems. Follow this wonderful girl for content that fuels and excites you!

Celebrations 🥂🎉

Sepideh is celebrating the Persian New Year!

In her own words:

“We celebrate the astronomical spring equinox as a new beginning when light overcomes darkness.”

Happy Persian new year! 🌷The spring equinox🌸. In general, the equinox is seen as a time of struggle between light and darkness, life and death. The significance for spring is that daylight☀️starts to increase, so the earth is about to tip over to more light, like an illuminating, sublime reminder that light is returning and always does, to earth. Therefore, the spring equinox represents new light and life, new beginnings, seeds, and path. It is a time of renewal🌱, new beginnings of life and growth blooming gloriously and ushering in a renewed sense of energy brought in to help you focus and move forward in new, fresh, positive ways. In other words, the spring equinox 🍃is the best time of year to focus on new projects, getting rid of things that no longer serve you, and finding the right balance in your life.🧘🏻‍♀️ If that sounds like exactly what you need, Get outside, connect with nature, plant new life, and celebrate light instead of darkness and pray. We've earned it! Ps. Picture is for when the virus was far away. سال نو همه دوستان مبارك. به اميد روزهاى خوب كنار هم. #happypersiannewyear #persiannewyear #computerscience #programming #coding #springequinox2020 #springequinox #programmer #itwasneveradress #devgirls #womenintech #girlsintech #bravenotperfect #devlife #womenwhocode #tech #software #covid19 #techie

A post shared by Sepideh – Software Engineer (@brunette_coder) on Mar 19, 2020 at 8:08pm PDT

Claudia finished and launched her website!

In her own words:

“I want to help more women into development roles (especially front-end) so I decided to build a website with a blog. As a front-end developer, I build the whole website myself and am so proud to finally launch it after over a year of hard work. The blog is just starting out with a few articles now, but I’m working on growing it weekly. I already had 1 person email me for advice on how to start, so all the work was worth it! Super excited to be helping someone with it. Even if it is just 1 person.”

A post shared by Claudia (@claudia414) on Mar 17, 2020 at 4:08pm PDT

Patrycja got a new exciting job!

In her own words:

“6 months after landing my first software dev job, I got hired as a mid-dev to another great company Learning Pool! Moreover, I will be helping them in building and maintaining e-learning platforms! Especially now, when it is so so important to have all the resources to teach online! I am looking forward to having my first day there!”

Couple rules for better coding, today guys! 💥 🔥K.I.S.S. – Keep it stupid simple. Remember don't overcomplicate your code and design. 🔥D.R.Y- do not repeat yourself. Make a good function or assign appropriate ID or Class. 🔥Once is done try to improve your code to be quicker and take less space. 🔥Keep your code clean – you will never now when someday someone will have to work on your code. Respect others. 🔥Make good names and comments. "Less but Better" – Dieter Rams – guru for apple designers. #dev_girls #developer #coder #codinggirls #softwareengineer #devgirls#coders #girlcode #girlswhocode #devgirls #python #instituteofcode #coding #codinglife #codinggirls #ggcarrots #tyradevhoe #tyra @cutetechgirls #dev_girls #worldcode @worldcode #js #nodejs #reactjs #fullstackdeveloper #frontendfriday #frontenddeveloper #codingdays @codepeople @peoplewhocode #codepen #github #codingdays #coder #100daysofcoding #programmerslife #developerlife #codingdays

A post shared by Patrycja | Fullstack Developer (@patrycja_io_) on Mar 20, 2020 at 4:20am PDT

Resources 👩‍💻

Making one-page sites using Carrd – created and shared by Hajar

Hajar says:

“Carrd is a one-page site platform that helps you create one-page sites for yourself such as resumes, maybe portfolios or just for fun introductions to oneself with many themes. To save everyone’s time, I offer to help make them at a low price too!”

A post shared by hajar (@carrd.jpg) on Mar 23, 2020 at 1:36pm PDT

Anna says:

“This is a great way to connect with other tech professionals, learn new skills and stay up to date while staying at home during COVID-19 quarantine.”

Homeferences🏠 (virtual conferences)to attend during COVID-19 quarantine🦠 . Yes, I know with COVID-19🦠, it's a pretty frustrating😨 time for all of us. But I believe🙏 everything will get back to normal in due time. . So It is better to concentrate on how to 💫improve your future💫 by doing something for it now💥. . Thanks to our amazing tech community who was able to adjust quickly and able to bring conferences🎫 to our home🏠. . 💥See below a list of events I am really looking forward to💥: . 🔥March 19 – Spring Live 24-hour virtual conference featuring talks about cloud native architecture and a few interactive workshops. . 🔥March 19 — AWSome day — AWSome Day attendees will receive free, step-by-step introductions and training on core AWS services for compute, storage, database and networking. 🔥March 31 – Adobe Summit. The Digital Experience Conference . 🔥 April 1 – Cloud Native Virtual Summit featuring Kubernetes. 100% of all proceeds will be donated to a to help battle COVID-19. 🔥 Apr 21st -FailoverConf – A virtual event on reliability. 🔥. . April 14 to 15 – The Mid-Atlantic’s Premier Developer’s Conference. Most of the topics are about software development. . 🔥 May 4-5 – MongoDB World 2020 It is a global, two-day digital event that will allow tech community to connect with cutting-edge content, hands-on labs, digital “ask the experts” sessions and more. 🔥 May 5-7, 2020 – IBM Think Digital 2020 Learn about the latest advancements in open technologies from hybrid multicloud to data and AI . 💥Workshops/Events💥: . 💣Microsoft Reactor has multiple virtual events and workshops. They have CSS, Javascript and Python workshops coming within the next couple of weeks. . 💣. IBM Developer New York has multiple workshops on Machine learning, Data science . . 👀See Links to conferences on my blog post. Link🔗 on bio☝️ . ⁉️If you know any interesting event please share below and I’ll update the list⁉️ . 🌸Stay safe Friends!🌸 . . . . . . . #neverstoplearning #homeferences #covid19 #wfh #aws #Microsoft #ibm #mongodb #conference #womenintech

A post shared by Anna🙋‍♀️ Software Engineer 💻 ( on Mar 18, 2020 at 6:40am PDT

Claudia says:

“It is a little bit useful now, but it will be much more useful in the future with more posts! I’m currently working on a series on how new developers can get their first jobs. 1 post is live and part 2 will be going live this Saturday, with a bonus article with 5 tips for interviewing over a video call if you’ve never done that before (since finding a job in quarantine is already hard enough, right?).”

Patrycja says:

“This initiative is helping to even the number of men and women in tech across the UK. I am proud of being a woman in tech, while boys still look at me patronisingly at work. I want this to be changed. And more of us girls need to show them that we are great!”

Wonderful ideas and resources on how you can help others during these crazy times.

An amazing compilation of initiatives and ways to help during the crisis.

How to Get into Cybersecurity – created and shared by me 🙂

There’s never been a better time to get into the field of Cybersecurity – there’s a growing demand for these professionals and salaries reflect that growth as well. So let’s look at some potential career paths and how you can get into the field!

Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and if you’d like to share something for next week’s issue, here’s the submission form!! Bookmark that and add anything you’d like to share in there 🙂

</Coding Blonde>


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