Estefannie and Estefannie Explains It All
Estefannie is a wonderful human and a role model for anybody. She is smart, adventurous, brave, has a great sense of humour and is incredibly creative! If creating things with your hands (or even with VR) is your thing, you HAVE to follow this girl for a huge dose of inspiration and a mood boost!
Follow Estefannie on social media and learn about her story below!
About Estefannie
My name is Estefannie and I am a computer scientist, an engineer, a designer from Mexico. I currently live in Houston, Texas and I like to overly engineer things and document my findings, prototyping, experiments, and failures on my YouTube and Instagram channels: Estefannie Explains It All.
How did you get into tech?
Pixar. I watched a documentary about Pixar (“The Pixar Story”) and found out that the founders were computer scientists, I googled what computer science was, enrolled right away, and never looked back. I loved the thought that I could do anything in my imagination with some lines of code and a computer.
When I started my computer science degree, my college years became extremely intense, interesting, and made me get really into research, in fact, I thought I was going to stay in academia and do a PhD in Computer Science.
As an undergrad, I did a couple of semesters of research under my mentor (Dr. Shah). I worked at Dr. Shah’s Quantitative Imaging Lab where I did research on video image processing and collaborated with the Psychology Department to make an “Expression Recognition” application to be used on a pool of subjects while they played a video game.
I also founded the Computer Science Girls student organization which focused on reaching out to women interested in technology and help promote their career advancement through talks and workshops. As president and founder of this organization I led and planned the meet-ups, talks, workshops, established the club in the University, and I also gave my first Arduino and conductive thread workshop. I received the Difference Maker award for my contributions to women in technology.
Not to brag, but brag, I graduated Summa Cum Laude in May 2014 with a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science and a Mathematics minor.
After graduating I became a software engineer. And as someone who loves quick prototyping and creating I organized the hackathon ‘Science Hack Day 2016’. This hackathon was open to the public and held at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Participants created science projects in the span of 30hrs and got to spend the night at the museum. I love creating things and seeing others make things.
For the rest of my waking hours, I started playing with electronics, cameras, and editing applications to publish videos and photos to my YouTube and Instagram channels: Estefannie Explains it All.
I think that studying Computer Science was one of the best decisions I’ve made. It gave me the knowledge I needed to be able to create all the things I make now.
What languages/technologies do you have the most experience in?
Most experience: c++, Python, and C#. But I am not a big fan of a favourite programming question. A programmer should be able to pick up a programming language in 3 days since it is just syntax and they should only worry about being problem solvers 😉 Technologies, I like playing with game engines such as Unity, Ogre3D, and as of recently, I’ve been playing with SparkAR Studio to mess with AR 🙂
What are you currently learning/practising?
I am currently messing with free form circuits, tons of relays, circuit design, and augmented reality.
What are your favourite resources to learn/stay updated on tech?
YouTube! I am a visual learner and my go-to is YouTube to find what I am looking for. I basically got my math degree by watching all of PatrickJMT’s math videos on YouTube. He is excellent.
What would people learn about by following you?
I like to share the tech that I am into at the moment and hopefully people can learn through my videos that making mistakes and breaking things are part of making/engineering/programming/designing anything.
What inspired you to start sharing your experiences on social media?
I think I always knew that I had to share my ‘findings’ on the internet. After all, the internet was made by scientists for science to share their logs. I had wanted to do a Computer Science channel since I found Patrick JMT when I was in college. Actually, if you go back you will see that my first videos are almost exactly like his, but instead of math, they are on computer science principles. But I pivoted as my interests in tech changed.
How can we get in touch with you?
I like hanging out in the comments of my and other people’s videos and posts 🙂
Lightning round
iPhone or Android?
Dogs or cats?
What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
Chocolate! Specifically the Häagen-Dazs Belgian Chocolate flavor. If I am in Mexico I LOVE nieves de garrafa and paletas de grosella.
What’s the next place you want to travel to?
How many hours of sleep do you need to get to feel like yourself?
What is your superpower?
I can sleep a lot
I’m obsessed with that superpower hahah! I wish I had something like that!
I had the pleasure of meeting Estefannie in London at a Facebook event and we had the best time taking pictures and being silly YouTube/Instagram people haha! Are you curious to see how that went? Guess what, you’re in luck!
Don’t forget to follow this awesome girl, she keeps things fun and is constantly creating new exciting things!
