Alison and Sex Tech Space
Alison is a huge inspiration for me! She is incredibly authentic and unapologetically herself, creating her own reality. Her story is awesome, she got into tech in a non-traditional way and has since created the perfect niche for herself. Alison has introduced so many of us to the area of sex tech and is creating a space to discuss important issues that the industry is facing.
Follow Alison on social media and learn about her story below!
About Alison
Alison is the founder of Women In Tech Pittsburgh and Sex Tech Space, as well as the Managing Director of Women of Sex Tech. She is a previous software engineer with experience in startup and corporate environments. Alison is currently a cybersecurity master’s candidate at the George Washington University and a recipient of the (ISC)2 Center for Cyber Safety and Education award. She has also been awarded the RedChair Pgh scholarship for leadership as a mid-career woman in IT and recognized as one of fourteen individuals shaping Pittsburgh tech scene by The Incline’s Who’s Next in Technology 2019. She has been featured in WIRED, WomenInTech, Female Tech Leaders, Women of Silicon Valley, Sextech Guide, PGH City Paper, and has spoken at Google, CISCO, CyberseXurity panel/meetup at DEFCON, and more. In her free time, she likes to hang out with her pet cockatiel.
How did you get into tech?
Nontraditionally I got into tech into tech by doing a bootcamp. My undergrad was International Business. After working in corporate as a software engineer for a while, I decided to go back to school for a Master’s in Cybersecurity.
What languages/technologies do you have the most experience in?
Professionally, I’ve worked in Javascript using Dojo and Angular frameworks. However, now I don’t use those anymore that much since I work for myself. I am learning more Python for security purposes while dabbling in C++ to make GUIs for Ableton workshops that I teach with my partner.
What are you currently learning/practicing?
My master’s focuses heavily on policy and compliance in relation to cybersecurity engineering. I use what I am learning and apply it to my area of research which is the field of sex tech.
What are your favourite resources to learn/stay updated on tech?
I love reading hardback books because it’s difficult for me to process things I read digitally. No Starch Press technical literature is where it’s at!
What would people learn about by following you?
They would learn about the importance of the field of sex tech for our society as a whole and how it can and probably has already impacted them personally in some way.
What inspired you to start sharing your experiences on social media?
I was living in a really rural area and didn’t really have anybody to talk to. I started using social media to connect and hold myself accountable in my tech journey.
How can we get in touch with you?
Twitter or email!
Lightning round
iPhone or Android?
Dogs or cats?
What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint chocolate chip
What’s the next place you want to travel to?
How many hours of sleep do you need to get to feel like yourself?
What is your superpower?
Being unapologetic
Yes! You are such a badass and pioneer, Alison! I’m very excited to share your story ?
Make sure you follow this awesome girl to learn more about the sex tech industry as well as to get generally inspired by her! Here are the links once again:
And if you’d like to learn more about how Alison got into tech, here’s an interview I did with her some time ago (before she started Sex Tech):
