Alex and LGTBQ+ in Tech Newsletter
Alex is such a wonderful soul and a multi-passionate person! Following her interests and seeing her ideas through is what has got her into iOS Development to begin with – which is such an awesome example of how one can get into tech! She is self-taught, badass and all about community, running the first LGBTQ+ in Tech newsletter.
Follow Alex on social media and learn about her story below!

About Alex
My name is Alex Rhodes, I have been in iOS Development for about a year. In addition to being an iOS Dev, I am an amateur bodybuilder and will be competing for the world title in August. I have a true passion for celebrating others and recognizing their milestones through life. Through that passion and taking inspiration from @codingblonde, I have recently started a newsletter (LGBTQ+ in Tech) recognizing all the success and milestones within’ our community.

How did you get into tech?
Around two years ago I had an app idea, so I gathered some capital and hired an independent contractor to develop for both the iOS and Android platforms. Through the process the contractor just never seemed to follow through with his word, so every time he said he was going to have something done I would ask what software he was using or how I could help. In a nutshell, I fell involved with the development process by doing what he said he would do. I ended up doing a ton of user research and completely designed the app myself. In the end, I had no one to code it after my contractor told me he couldn’t fulfil his end of the bargain, so I went back to school! He helped me find my passion and for that, I could not be more grateful! I did not go to university, I went to Lambda school. I had a bachelors degree prior to my interest in coding, so I opted for a bootcamp style course and I absolutely loved it!
What languages/technologies do you have the most experience in?
What are you currently learning/practising?
Swift UI/Python
What are your favourite resources to learn/stay updated on tech?
Twitter has so much information that I never knew I needed to know! I follow tutorials on sites like and YouTube! I always say that the best resources are the ones in which you lear. I like to take specific topics and start in documentation if possible, then do a google search and see what resources are available.
What would people learn about by following you?
My goal is to always remind people why they started. Whether that be a person who inspired you, a life event that motived you, or career goals you wanted to meet. My mantra is to BE BETTER, not than your neighbor, but than yourself. I hope that through sharing success stories and encouraging others to think deeper, they can recognize that a lot of the lines or boundaries we draw are self-imposed. I want us to be fearless, together!

What inspired you to start sharing your experiences on social media?
Originally, I did it to keep myself on track, and to overcome that inherent fear of failure. Now, as I’ve seen others in our field and their amazing accomplishments and dedication to their trade, it quickly changed to them inspiring me to share more of them. I find seeing others succeeding is contagious, so the more we celebrate, the better we are as a community.
How can we get in touch with you?
Email: or DM on Instagram
Lightning round
iPhone or Android?
Dogs or cats?
What’s your favourite ice cream flavour?
Vanilla, but I am far from basic!!
What’s the next place you want to travel to?
Australia or France!
How many hours of sleep do you need to get to feel like yourself?
What is your superpower?

Follow Alex here:
